The Secret
[For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.] These few words found at the end of the traditional English translation of the Lords Prayer and most commonly referred to as a doxology (dox-ol-o-gy). The term doxology originates from the Greek doxologia, doxa giving glory logos meaning "WORD" like brothers would express to show accord with a commonly held idea or way of being. It is my sincere hope, that you are still with me, give me a moment, I am attempting to unweave entanglement of a very complex web. Traditionally, a doxology is said to be a short formula of praise to God. Another example of this can be found with the Great Doxology dated in the 1800s and written by Iakovos (the Protopsaltis). It is written in First Mode for you music officinatos which I am sure will carry some additional weight and allow better clarity. Stanzas 1-3 goes something like this: "Glory be to Thee who hast shown the light. Glory in the highest to God, and on Earth peace, good will among men. We praise Thee; we bless Thee; we worship Thee; we glorify Thee; we give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory. O Lord, King, heavenly God, the father Almighty, O Lord the only begot- ten Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit." I believe at this point you understand, this thing would have been sung, at least sometime after it was adapted into English by Hieromonk Ephraim. When this actually took place, I am not sure. But definitely it would have been sometime after having been interpreted by Athanasios Karamanis (the Protopsaltis of Thessaloniki) during the 1900s. Now, where were we?........... The web is mighty, but our ancestral connection is no less bridged to a greater sense of light. A light so powerful, it often blinds us of our physical seeing, telling us to push further threw the night in-order to access the truth. And I am telling you the truth exist all around us. I often say to my students, friends and colleagues, that ancient Kemitian, Nubian and Mediterranian historical contributions exists all around us, in the architecture, sciences, philosophy and more importantly in western religion. We just have to know what we are looking at and how to interpret it. Linguistics play a major role in discipering this vast body information. Perhaps, there is no part of modern society that the architects of the most ancient foundations (Kemitian ancestors) have not played a role in. When it comes to laying the foundation for our philosophical, spiritual and material world their hand prints are all over history. The blade that cuts both ways is that we must do some work in-order to reclaim what we have forgotten over the ages. This begins by incorporating sacred rituals back into our lives; daily prayer and meditation cleve us closer to our own divinity. Then we can begin to unfold the truth (light) underneath some very basic and everyday observances (ie. the Lords Prayer, religious practices and even our civil structures). All contain simple truths that tell a larger story about our history and help to define the role we should play on the material, ethereal and spiritual plains. Next, I would say, read, read, read, truth can be found (light) in all things seen and unseen (perceived). We have only to apply the use of sacral, solar and heart (daat) chakras. If we, as individuals or a collective are truly interested in transforming our current day situations, there are some simple tasks that must be performed. Mainly, daily prayer/meditation, seek knowledge and prioritize our material worlds are our starting point. Prioritizing our material lives as most would proclaim, seems to be the most difficult thing to accomplish. Well, start small, a suggestion would be, please dont buy things you do not need. This requires understanding the difference between what is needed and what is desired. So ask yourself a few questions, will the thing I desire to purchase or can not live without enhance me on a deeper level? And if, it makes me feel better in the moment, will it fill this emptiness, I am trying to camouflage from the world? This is a good start, there maybe other important questions to ask ones self. Distinguishing between the two will take practice, but nothing given, nothing gained. Other suggestions would be balance your work life with quality family time. Have at least one meal a day with someone you really care about (ie. husband/wife, partner, children or friend). It helps to put a sense of leisure and intimacy back in our lives. Dont forget to include the ritual of grace in these special moments. Let the universe know you are thankful for the blessings you receive daily. I learned years ago, while traveling in France how important it is to slow down in-order to enjoy and receive quality time with those you love. Europeans really take time daily and especially on the weekends to enjoy walks in the gardens and rolling around on the lawns with their friends and family. So just slow down and live a more perceptive life. Get off automatic, think about what you do and why? By doing so, we are better able to make more conscious choices in our moment to moment lives. This is so important, if we are ever to shake off the slave mentality; really embracing to freedom. I would say, take time to smell the roses, but its been said before. When we have accomplished this as a community; seeking real leisure in stead of that found in the latest sneaker purchase, facial cream, lipstick, spa soap, cell phone, denim, sports car and so on, we will be well on our way to enlightenment. Real leisure and freedom, instead of the synthesized kind we have allowed to replace a kinship with our divinity, becomes what we actively seek. Simply put, these steps will place us firmly on the path of self realization. "Happiness lies in your own hand It took me much too long to understand How it could be Until you shared your Secret with me." - Madonna/ Dallas Austin Having taken a brief look into the mind of shackle free living, let us now venture back to the light of our divinity. While researching the word doxology another very curious insight came about. The etymology of this word goes directly back to the Kintu speaking peoples in Southern Africa who speak one of the Shona languages. Shona proper is one of the official languages of Zimbabwe and more than eighty percent of the population (6.23 million SIL 1989) speak this language. I would assume it was largely handed down through the oral tradition until the early twentieth century when it was official codified, then later fixed in the 1950s. (Please note: all references are based on Western resources, so those webs I spoke of earlier, might well have concealed direct light). ChiShona is also spoken by a substantial number of residents of Mozambique, Zambia and Botswana. In all the speakers of this language group total more than 7 million (UBS 1990). To make a long story short, the word doxology, an expression of praise to God, especially a short hymn sung as part of a Christian worship service. And as I pointed out before, its origins are found in the Greek word doxologia, which comes from the ChiShona word, dokein, meaning; to seem. And then the light came gushing in, Oh, my God the ties that bind us to the ancient past will surely bring us into the kingdom of heaven. When we look at the original version of the Lords Prayer, the dokein (For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever) does not exist. It was added during the time the traditional version of the Lords Prayer was being produced. The producers of this translation thought to enhance its power by adding this little recognized secret. This doxology is not a doxology at all, it more closely fits the definition of a dokein; appearing to be something it is not. It has been called one thing to conceal its true identity. What it truly is is the Kabbalistic Cross of Light, a ritual meant to help us feel the power of the Tree of Life resonating through our body. (Melville) The aim of the Kabbalistic Cross is to ally the personality with the true source of life, allowing a channel to be opened so that we can enter into consciousness. Regular practice brings recognition of the transcendental self. It simply bridges the conscious and unconscious, permitting the mind to be made porous to divine things. Once mastered, the Kabbalistic Cross becomes a foundation stone. It can be performed in a second, at any moment of crisis, during trance or a pause in a larger group ritual, to strengthen, make secure and concentrate ones consciousness (ie. during church services, before and after prayer, after awakening from a dream/nightmare or for higher levels of magic). It activates the heart charka (Da-at), making it an appropriate exercise for healing, achieving inspiration and other affairs of the heart. To work with the Kabbalistic Cross of Light stand facing east, use the right hand configured in the sign of benediction. Your middle and index fingers standing straight up with the third and smaller fingers folded into the palm of the hand. The thumb should be placed over the last two fingers, making complete the sign of benediction ( Imagine a sphere of the purest white light just above ones head and with the sign of benediction draw the light down into your forehead and say, (1)ATEH (Unto Thee), (2) Bring the line of light into your breast saying, IAO (Thine), (3)Drawing the light down through the body towards the feet saying, MALKUTH (Is the Kingdom), (4) String the light up to the right shoulder, then say, VE GEBURAH (The Power) and the left shoulder saying, VE GEDULAH (the Glory), Finally, see and feel the power of the great cross of light running through you. Bring both hands up, cupping them over your heart and say, LE OLAHM, AMEN (Forever and ever, confirmed with my entire being) Don't be afraid, this is one of the purest rituals of light, so go on, and say the words in vibration and in action. They are written here in Hebrew as they should be use for us to access the fullness of their life sustaining force. "The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but thats the way to bet." ~Damon Runyon Bibliography: The Secrets of High Magic Francis Melville KABBALAH (Key to Your Inner Power) Elizabeth Clare Prophet Websters Online Dictionary Brewers Dictionary The Free Dictionary by Farlex The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn Weavings
April 2014